Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Victim to Survivor

it may just be me but i have an issue with women who leave a dangerous domestic violent situation to continue years after still saying ..YES I WAS A VICTIM OF domestic violence …. words can be an empowering tool especially for women who had there s…oul and identity taken from them …. you must realise it takes a very brave women to pack up and run from an abuser .. once you leave and never go back you are no longer a victim ladies … YOU ARE A SURVIVOR .. you are strong even thou you dont feel it … you are brave to leave a man who often tell you he will kill you ….. your life was kidnapped and you ran … you lived it … ladies .. your not a victim .. YOUR A BRAVE SURVIVOR ….. ITS TIME OUR THINKING BEGAN TO CHANGE TO OR WE WILL ALWASY BE THE VICTIMS ….

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