Wednesday, January 20, 2010

More Housework, More Sex

MEN who do more housework get more sex. It’s official. And women who do more housework get more sex, too. A new US study reported in the Sydney Morning Herald of almost 7000 married couples shows that couples who work hard, play hard.

It seems a select group of “go-getter” couples balance paid work, chores and still manage to make sex a priority, according to the research, which shows the couples made love 1.6 times a week.

And while the women still did almost twice as much housework as the men, there was only a small difference in total hours worked when paid employment was added.

Less housework, less sex

The study found if slothful women and men – those who did housework for only 16 hours and two hours a week, respectively – increased their effort to match the high performers (women who did 68 hours and men 45 hours a week) they could expect to have sex 15 more times a year.

As well, men and women who spent more time in paid work reported more sex, leading the researchers to conclude that ”individuals may be achievers across multiple spheres”.

The US researchers say their findings debunk the theory that time spent on some pursuits, such as jobs or housework, must be stolen from other areas, such as sex. ”The much-lamented speed-up of everyday life … does not appear to have adverse effects on sexual frequency,” they say.

Vacumn Cleaner ‘Best Sex Aid’

The findings contradict an Australian study which showed working women found resentment over housework killed libido.

”If the resentment factor was high that’s when their sex life was not great. The best sex aid a man could use was a vacuum cleaner,” says Barbara Pocock, the director of the Centre for Work and Life at the University of South Australia,

She also wondered about the sex lives of those women – about one-third – who say they feel ”almost always rushed and pressed for time”, especially mothers who did more than 20 hours a week of paid work.

Have Your Say

So what is your experience? Have you got the balance right and is your sex life sizzling? Or are you feeling like sex is just another chore you’re expected to do to keep the household functioning? Let us know what your experience is…


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