Monday, March 22, 2010

All the world is a stage, but I wasn't cast

When I was young, I thought Don Quixote was actually ‘donkey hoti.’ It took me a long time to figure that out.

We’re balls deep in the film. I don’t really know why I’m here. There never seems to be anything for me to do, and certainly nothing for me to do that someone else couldn’t easily do. When they’re so concerned about being conservative with the number of people on set, or staying on location, I keep expecting to hear they don’t want me back.

It’s not like anyone else does.

I probably need to raise my standards. Putting out on the first date rarely works as planned and when it pans out ‘for the better,’ it’s usually not someone with whom I want it to pan out anyway. I’m not surprised the communication is scarce. Although, I don’t really understand why it is either.

It’s funny how I can so easily get caught up in someone about whom I was previously ambivalent… The moment they don’t give me the attention I crave, I get upset and withdrawn and depressed. Just please don’t say you’ll email me and then forget to, or choose not to; the truth is I’ll be frantically checking it for years.


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