Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wanna Know Wednesday 3.3.10

Hey everyone it’s Wednesday!

This week we’re going to be doing something a little different.  Today’s Wanna Know Wednesday is going to actually lead into an upcoming discussion that will be up no later than Friday.

The topic is focused on the infamous Friends with Benefits!!!

If I had to guess, I would say that most of you are aware of what Friends with Benefits are.  If you are not familiar with the term then you will definitely want to stop back by later this week to read the discussion on the subject.  The discussion will explain the term and it should also  enlighten you.

Before we jump right into the poll question I would just like to ask you to spread the word about Up 4 Discussion.  If you enjoy the posts here on the blog tell your friends, family & e-buddies about Up4Dsn.  It would be great if we could reach more people and have them be a part of our discussions as well.  This isn’t a plea, just a suggestion.  Thank you in advance for stopping by & for spreading the word about Up 4 Discussion!


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