Monday, December 28, 2009

At Home Alone

Today was a new milestone in Alexander and I’s relationship, Well my parents left with my sisters on a trip to Virginia and left me home…alone. They said they trusted me. I feel absolutely terrible now because I’ve already betrayed their trust, here was our deal. I could only see alexander if I drove to his house. Simple enough right?? Not for me! So long story short I invited Alexander over. Bad Idea! I mean I’m O.K. being alone with him and everything it’s not like I have any problems with that. It’s just I have never been alone with him for that long you know? Everything was fine for about the first hour. Life was great! I made us lunch and when I wasn’t paying attention he came up behind me a grabbed my hips you know playfully…. and then one thing led to another…I won’t elaborate too much I don’t want anyone to think bad about me…anyway normally when we “bump uglies” as some would put it. It has to be really fast because we dont want anyone to catch us, you know. But today we had all day you know, no rush and I don’t know how, but he wanted to keep going…keep in mind I’m totally and utterly exhausted. Then he decided it would be a good idea to sleep over so I said yes. not wanting to hurt his feelings , but now I don’t know what to do because I’m tired and really dont want to do anymore tonight, but I don’t think he knows that., but I don’t want to make him mad. What do you think I should do?


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