Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Greatest Story Ever Told

The storyboard contained herein is the combined work of a number of teenagers when set the task of creating a story revolving around money, at the YouthBank MoneySense program in Dublin, 12th September 2009

Enjoy. We did.

Picture 1;

Meet Joe Rae. An average secondary school student who dreams big. Notice his education aspirations and his fancy, intelligent tie

Picture 2;

We jump forward a few months in Joe’s life and here he is queueing up to spend all his hard-earned cash on clubbing, alcohol and his girlfriend, Amy Winehouse’s E tabs. His lifestyle has changed completely

Picture 3;

Our hero is faced with a tough change now. He has been kicked out for being a drag queen; look at those fancy eyelashes. Perhaps this will be good for our Joe, it is clear that his family is far from normal. His little brother is clearly trippin’ balls on acid, little Joe-sephine is bulimic at the age of 8 and Mammy Rea is inserting a strap-on into Daddy Rae’s rectum. Her expression tells her whole story. She clearly isn’t proud of it, but if she had to do it again, she would. Our hero’s mother wears the pants in this house

Picture 4;

With no money and having been disowned by all that he knows, our Joe is determined to go to college. Look as he steals books from the Collage College Mace and 2 monkey/pig guards chase him. This can’t end well… If only Joe had gotten his necessary amounts of caffeine to calm him down, but Starbucks was closed for lunch… “Its their HOUR of business! RETARDS!- Stuart”

Picture 5;

Its all gone horribly pear-shaped for our hero,now…. Watch as Amy dumps him and proceeds to then write a number 1 album about him. Joe has gotten himself arrested and will surely get life… which is about 6 months now

Picture 6;

There’ll be no fairytale ending here. Our protagonist finds himself Locked Up (they won’t let him out!), Locked Up….

For the foreseeable future, Joe will sit here, left with his thoughts and memories to haunt him. College is no longer a thought, all Joe wants to do is get back to when he had a life; family, school, a soul-singing girlfriend…

All that lays in the past,now…


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