Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mr. Locario's Sex, Dating & Relationship Advice: The 6 Stroke Method by S. L. Maxam

(My Brother S.L. Maxam wrote this article about the “6 stroke Method” Every man should know this)

Every man should tap into his internal creativity when it comes to being a good lover. But first you should have a good foundation and that foundation starts with what I call the 6 stroke minimum. What is the 6 stroke minimum you ask? Well a stroke can be defined as a thrust or how you enter the vagina with your penis.

Many men have the very typical stroke where they thrust in and out of the vagina. This is lazy. Many men may increase or decrease the speed or intensity of this stroke but it will eventually become boring to your partner.

Instead of relying on this one stroke a man should have at least 6 strokes in arsenal. 3 of these strokes should be unique to YOU as a lover meaning that you should create at least 3 strokes of your very own so that any women you make love to will remember you for your particular lovemaking style.

But let us get into 3 example of strokes that men can use.

Example number one: the shallow/deep stroke. This stroke is where you enter your partner with only 1/4 or 1/3 of your member and then contrast it with entering your lover with all of your member. But I would advise you to do it rhythmically. One way would be to go shallow, shallow, shallow then deep and then repeat.

Example number two: deep thrust and hold: This stroke is where you enter your partner as deeply as possible and then hold her for 1 to 2 seconds.

Example number three: the 360 stroke: Anyone who has danced to dancehall reggae, salsa or meringue will be familiar with how important the movement of your hips are when expressing sexuality and sensuality. For our third stroke we want to use our hips as a tool. As you thrust into your partner you want to rotate your hips 360 degrees in a circular motion. This stroke allows you to hit/touch your lover’s vaginal walls. Remember the vagina is a circle and so this stroke allows you to address this. You can go in a clockwise and counter-clockwise direction with this stroke.

Ok with the three strokes above you can create combinations which will give you even more strokes. One combination is the 360 stroke with the deep thrust and hold. For example as you rotate hips you also enter as deeply as possible and hold.

As far as the strokes unique to you this is where you have to tap into your INTERNAL creativity and create your own strokes.

Lastly once you combine these strokes with various positions from missionary, cowgirl, doggystyle etc. The feeling, intensity and effectiveness of each stroke will be different. If you multiply just the 3 strokes I’ve given you with 3 different sexual positions then you have 9 different ways to satisfy your partner. Now if you have your 6 strokes then you’ll have 18 different combos. If you have your 6 strokes and 6 different sexual positions that will equal 36 different combinations.

So get out there guys. Practice your strokes, create some new strokes and learn new positions. This will make you a more interesting and better lover.


For More relationship advice and to download my free ebook “The Magnificent 10: Crucial Dating Tips for Men” visit

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