Monday, September 7, 2009


Society often reviles women who are seen as promiscuous, but ignores or even reveres the same “sin” among men. I believe this tendency is largely outdated in the modern world.

In a time when safer sex was not commonplace or perhaps even possible this social stigma had merit. If a woman were to sleep with many men and become pregnant she would likely become a burden to those who care for her. Most men would not accept and care for a child that was the result of casual sex.

If a woman is taking the proper precautions there is no reason enjoying casual sex should be frowned upon. With the use a birth control medication and condoms or diaphragms the risks of unwanted pregnancy and disease are reduced to the point that people would not look down on a person who was being careful but was unlucky.

Still many people who would not have an issue with premarital sex in a committed relationship are opposed to casual sex. It is rarely even the subject of rational thought because of preconceived notions. With that said I would be interested to hear moral objections that are not based on religion. I am speaking only of safer sex and not the serious consequences of unprotected sex.


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